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General terms and conditions of the commercial company Adriana Baculíková, IČO: 52732894 (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”)

 Introductory provisions, definitions of terms

  1. These general terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations of the trading company Adriana Baculíková, ID: 52732894, Šipice 60, Hontianske Tesáre 96268 as the seller, processor of personal data and operator of the internet e-shop (hereinafter referred to as the “seller” in the appropriate grammar shape) on the one hand and an unspecified number of interested parties (buyers or consumers) for the purchase of goods and services (hereinafter referred to as the “buyer” in the appropriate grammatical form) when concluding a purchase contract concluded at a distance (hereinafter referred to as the “contract” in the appropriate grammatical form) according to the relevant legal regulations.   
  2. Legal regulations: A/ Law no. 250/2007 Coll. Act on Consumer Protection and Amendment to Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended; B/ Law no. 102/2014 Coll. Act on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises and on the amendment of certain laws; C/ Law no. 22/2004 Coll. Act on Electronic Commerce and Amendments to Act No. 128/2002 Coll. on state control of the internal market in matters of consumer protection and on amendments to certain laws as amended by Act no. 284/2002 Coll.; D/ Law no. 40/1964 Coll. the Civil Code as amended; E/ Law no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended; F/ Law no. 18/2018 Coll. Act on Personal Data Protection and Amendments to Certain Acts; (further on anywhere in the text only “legal regulations” in the appropriate grammatical form)
  3. Definitions of terms Seller – is a commercial company operating an Internet e-shop for the purpose of selling goods or providing services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises; is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract, acts within the scope of his business activity; Buyer – person according to §2 par. 2 of the Commercial Code, i.e. a person registered in the commercial register; a person who does business on the basis of a trade license;  a person who does business on the basis of a license other than a trade license according to special regulations; a natural person who carries out agricultural production and is registered in accordance with a special regulation; Consumer – a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract, does not act within the scope of his business activity, employment or profession; Contract – concluded at a distance for the purposes of these GTC means a contract between the seller, the buyer, or agreed upon and concluded by the consumer exclusively through a means of remote communication without the physical presence of the participants in the legal relationship, in particular by using a website, e-mail, telephone, fax, address letter or offer catalog. Goods or services – are personalized / non-personalized products. Complete offer at Order – is the expressed intention of the buyer or consumer to purchase certain goods and services, expressed by placing the goods or services in the “basket” in the e-shop and then filling in the necessary data about the buyer or consumer for the purpose of delivering the ordered goods or services to the buyer or consumer. The order is binding for both parties to the purchase contract by confirming “binding order with payment obligation”. The seller has published a detailed procedure on how to order the goods on his e-shop in the “FAQ” section. Purchase contract – a legal document on the basis of which the seller is obliged to hand over the object of purchase to the buyer or consumer and the buyer or consumer is obliged to take over the object of purchase and pay the seller the agreed price for it. The purchase contract is validly concluded and effective for both parties to the purchase contract upon delivery of the order confirmation to the buyer or consumer to the specified e-mail address in the order. Personal data – is data relating to an identified natural person or an identifiable natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, especially on the basis of a generally applicable identifier, another identifier, such as a name, surname, identification number, location data, or an online identifier, or based on one or more characteristics or signs that make up its physical identity, physiological identity, genetic identity, psychological identity, mental identity, economic identity, cultural identity or social identity.
  4. 4. Payment and delivery conditions The prices of goods or services are listed in the seller’s e-shop. The prices are shown without VAT and also with VAT. The prices are binding for both parties to the purchase contract at the time of confirmation of the seller’s order. Prices do not include packaging and delivery fees, or transport costs. The seller ensures the delivery of the goods. The deadline for delivery of goods and services is within 7 days from confirmation of the order by the seller. Delivery costs, or the seller will notify the buyer or consumer of the transport of the goods in good time, but at the latest when the order is confirmed. Non-acceptance of goods or services, or only partial acceptance of goods or services ordered by the buyer or consumer is a violation of the provisions of the purchase contract, unless otherwise agreed in advance with the seller. Compensation for damage resulting from the violation of any of the provisions of the purchase contract is borne by the contractual party that caused the damage and is obliged to compensate it no later than 15 days after the violation of the provision of the purchase contract. The injured party is obliged to notify the other contractual party immediately of the amount of compensation for damages.
  5. For products such as a canister bar with a filling containing a glass bottle, glasses or mugs, please check the package immediately and if it is damaged, take a photo of the damaged product and send it to us by e-mail: It must be visibly clear from the photo that this is damage during transport! We will agree on the next course of action via e-mail. The buyer or consumer is obliged to pay the purchase price and delivery costs, or to pay for transportation: 1. when choosing the option – on invoice – within the period and in the manner specified in the delivered invoice to the specified e-mail address of the buyer or consumer; 2. when choosing the option – cash on delivery – when the buyer or consumer receives the goods or services from the seller, or courier in cash or cashless – not by payment card; in the case of payment in cash, the seller, or the courier issues a proof of acceptance of the purchase price to the buyer or consumer; Security measures, reservation of ownership rights The seller reserves the right of retention according to § 151s et seq. of the Civil Code in order to secure his due monetary claim against the buyer or consumer. The costs associated with the exercise of the right of retention against the buyer or consumer shall be borne in full by the buyer or consumer, in addition to the seller’s right to interest on delay and the costs associated with the recovery of the payable claim – the purchase price. Ownership of the ordered goods or services passes to the buyer or consumer upon payment of the entire purchase price.
  6. Complaint and warranty conditions, withdrawal from the purchase contract The seller provides all ordered goods and services to consumers according to § 3 par. 1 letter h) and § 7 par. 1 of Act No. 102/2014 Coll., even without giving a reason to withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance or from a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises within 14 days from the day of taking over the goods during the sale of goods, provision of services during the provision of services, as long as it is in the nature service provision possible. The buyer can withdraw from the purchase contract only with the consent of the seller. The goods must not be damaged, used, must be in the original packaging, and together with the goods, the buyer or consumer must submit all documents related to the goods. The goods are not returned for cash on delivery. Goods sent in this way are not accepted and are returned to the sender. The buyer or consumer is obliged to deliver to the seller, within 14 days, to his e-mail address:, a correctly filled out complaint form or a form for withdrawal from the contract, published on the website of the e-shop, or delivered by e-mail to the consumer. The consumer can also deliver the complaint form or the contract withdrawal form to the seller by post within the specified period, with the date of submission of the document at the post office being decisive.
  7. The seller reserves the right to cancel the order or withdraw from the contract or part of it if the ordered goods are not produced or have ceased to be produced; the price of the supplier of goods has changed; the price of the goods was incorrectly stated; the goods are custom-made and cannot be resold; In the case of returning goods that do not fall into the category of personalized gifts, it is necessary to send the goods back to the following address of the company’s headquarters; ATTENTION, in the case when it is a personalized / unique gift on which there is a personal dedication, exchange of goods is NOT possible! The seller provides a guarantee for goods and services. For each product, the warranty period is indicated separately in the instructions for use, or especially in the documentation of the goods. For services, the seller provides a guarantee according to the nature of the service, which the seller will inform the buyer or consumer in an appropriate way before the service is provided.


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